iQ CNC controller error

Was using the small CNC without issue today until the controller stated giving this error when I tried to set my XY origin:

There is in the machine coordinates state, can’t set the workpiece original, please switch to the workpiece state.

Which I think is a rough translation of something like “can’t set the workpiece origin because the machine is in coordinate mode”.

Rebooting the controller doesn’t solve it. Anyone know what this is about?

James was able to answer: if the controller is showing AX/AY/AZ instead of 1X/1Y/1Z, it’s in “absolute coordinate” mode, and you can’t set a work origin.

Hit Menu + High/Low to switch back to whatever the normal mode is.


Weird stuff happening with these machines after the market :face_with_monocle:

Had same error this morning trying to XY-0. Holding Menu and 1 took me back to work state. Either someone left it in another state or someone inadvertently hit some wrong buttons before me.

Unfortunately, on the handheld controller, once I hit Menu | 1 it gives no acknowledgment that anything changed, but it XY-0 properly afterwards.