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New Users Start Here!!!This section is viewable to everybody, but replying to threads is disabled.
Maker TalkTalk about making things, tools, techniques, links, projects, or anything else you think members would like to know about. Woo!
Volunteers NeededAsmbly is volunteer run! Here’s where to recruit help on projects to improve the space.
Ask AsmblyQuestions and concerns for the leadership team
OperationsHere’s where we discuss how the space works, plan for its future, and report problems. Post proposals in the #ops: Proposal Considerations category.
Space TeamsUse the subcategories here to post about specific areas in the shop and report red-tagged equipment (i.e. problems with machinery).
EducationThis is for all things learning, whether it be courses you teach or want to see at Asmbly or courses outside of Asmbly you recommend.
COVID TimeAsmbly is open with temporary restrictions in place. Use this discussion category for topics related to COVID in general as well as how Asmbly is responding.