Machine shop Help!

Hey guys!
I’d like to do a reorganizing of the machine shop area. I Would like to move the Gorton to a better spot, replace the old handmade work table, and update the toolboxes etc that I made previously.

We already purchased a new work table, that is in the lobby currently.
Would someone be willing to assemble it?

Also if your interested in helping with the other stuff let me know.



I am down to help, just let me know when. I am only 5 mins away.

Definitely willing to help; I’ll be up there a few times in the next few days.

Awesome! Yah step 1 is just assembling the table. Is it cool if we assemble it in the lobby @jamesfreeman @Jon ?

Whenever you guys have time just feel free to start on that.

I’ll work on clearing off the old table.

step 2 @JoeN you think just the pallet jack is best to move the Gorton or do you want to bring in your machine skates?


@EricP I have a special interest in moving the Gorton. I have some wrecking bars/Pinch point bar.

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We’re going to be doing a livestream tonight, so would prefer it not be in the lobby today. Need members to share about shops in livestream for ILHIGH 3/2

I’ll start on the table tomorrow then (after the livestream).


The table is by the metal shop, still its box. The lobby has been cleared out, so if you want to assemble it there, there is plenty of room.


My skates are still at the space. They are under dust collector

Yup, all good on the lobby usage now!

Awesome, Thanks @mgmoore.

One other immediate task that I need help with is to measure the footprints of all the machines in the area. Not exactly sure what layout is best so that would help us figure that part out.

Table assembled. I left all the box and padding in case there was need for it, but everything in there should be trash.

Space measurements:
The lathe footprint is 17-1/2” deep by 63” wide.

The floor footprint of the Ron Fu is about 26” square. That’s out to the farthest extent of the wheels. But of course it needs considerable space higher up. The chip tray, 32” above floor level, projects 4” beyond both the front and back of the footprint. Above that, the table can extend from 37β€œ right of the centerline to 37-1/2β€œ left of the centerline at the limits of its travel. The vise in its usual position extends 12” beyond the front of the footprint at the limit of Y-axis travel. The DRO extends up to 26” right of the centerline.

The footprint of the Gorton is about 20” wide by 31” deep.

The tall cabinet with doors is 18-1/4” deep by 30-1/8” wide. The rolling cabinet with drawers is 18” by 27-1/8”. The other rolling table is 15” by 20”. The table with the buffer mounted is about 25-1/2” square.

The new table is 20-1/2” deep by 48” wide. (The old table is about 29” by 64”.)


Awesome! Thanks @mgmoore

If someone wouldn’t mind modelling up the area with Ethans dimensions. We can figure out a new Layout.