Let's celebrate this impactful leader on 2/3 :textiles: 💗

You may or may not know this, but the Textiles shop exists today because of @stepho. She joined Asmbly a little over 3 years ago and quickly became an impactful member bringing thoughtful ideas to the table and backing them with action. She put together a proposal for Textiles to create this shop space and has continuously worked with others to improve and expand the offerings over the last several years. As the Shop Area Leads program was developed this past year, @stepho was one of the people we modeled it after with the thought, “if we had this level of commitment and ownership across all shops, we’d be golden!” We’re lucky to have reached that point today and it’s in no small part due to efforts like hers.

It’s bittersweet to see @stepho move away next month, but I’m excited to get together to celebrate her before she leaves. It feels impossible for me to fully express the gratitude I feel towards @stepho for all she has done to support Asmbly and the people within it, myself included. Please join me in helping give that thanks as best we can on Monday 2/3, 7pm at Easy Tiger at The Linc.


Thank you for all that you did to create a fantastic textiles space! You took the time to continuously improve it and gather feedback and input from those in the space! You will be missed @stepho!

What time on February 3rd?

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@alex11 7pm! Thanks for that, updating the post :sweat_smile:

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Thanks for arranging this very kind farewell for me, Valerie. I look forward to seeing anyone that can make it on the 3rd.

This coming Wednesday evening will be my last Sew Social at 7 pm in textiles. If anyone wants to stop by, I’ll be there as well.


Reminder that this is coming up on Monday! I’ll be there a little early and kick things off with a big round of assorted items. Come cheers pretzels with us as we celebrate @stepho’s contributions to Asmbly! We would not have a textiles shop today without her :heartpulse: :textiles:


Pushing this to the top by adding this post