Let wood glue dry for 24 hours before running through equipment

This one is a triple failure.

  1. The woodglue was not properly dry
  2. The member didn’t clean it up
  3. The member didn’t ask a steward for help or report it via QR code.

This kind of mess can leave marks on the wood that comes after it.

Stuff happens. We all have an oops. It’s important to make corrections afterwards, or seek help to correct it.


Paraphrasing: If you do something, say something.


With that we need to make sure we also address the rules regarding glue-up and storage, as well as getting the empty room (formerly the bio-lab) available if this is intended for a paint/drying room. We need to make sure we can accommodate 24+hour drying times without sacrificing valuable table space.

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We never received a full proposal for the paint/dry/finishing room aspect of that space. Half of it is being used for the machine shop annex. The other half is still undetermined and awaiting a complete proposal.