Labor Day 2023-edition show and tell

It’s been a long time since I’ve done a post asking to see what people have been making. Tell us about your projects!


To get things started. I just finished this little owl mosaic. Backing board cut with our table saw, and edges finished off with the sanders

Most of the stones came from travels, and the blue is shrinky dink


I just “completed” this cabinet that I’ve been working on and off for the last two years (yikes!). Many hard lessons were learned… Glad its over :slight_smile:


It’s pretty much impossible to follow @atwatsoniii 's :exploding_head: cabinet with anything but here goes:

Having wrapped up the vase that consumed so much of my time, I wanted to do something I could actually finish in a day:

Yes, that’s a Yugo keychain. I don’t have one, but my family is from the former Yugoslavia so I made a few for us to hang on our Nissan and Honda keychains :smiley:

The badge is a few vinyl cutouts that I domed with UV-cured resin for protection, all of it wrapped up in saddle-stitched, highly uncooperative leather. It’s a bit rougher than I’d like, but then again so was the Yugo…


Awesome these came out nice!


@atwatsoniii Very nice work! I am impressed with the grain work on the drawer fronts especially.


@stepho Very nice. Is this part of a kit or all your work? I seem to recall similar artwork projects when I was a kid in the 70’s.

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Quality looks really good to me!

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All my work! The personal challenge was to only use things I already had, and buy nothing new (which is why I landed on shrinky dink for the blue).


Not finished, but my robot is starting to come together. The shoulder and elbow joints move now



Thanks for the kind words, but you tagged the wrong person for that amazing cabinet :smiley:

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My Birkenstocks came out better than I hoped for. Big thanks to @GoodHabits for letting me use her heat gun for the glue. The bunny mask is ready for Halloween :ghost:


@stepho thanks for starting the thread! I always love seeing your work. Is the other one you showed me recently something you’d be willing to share on here? I don’t think I’ve seen a Discourse post with that one, but I might of missed it. Really gorgeous piece as well.

@atwatsoniii that cabinet is absolutely stunning and I really love hearing that it took 2 yrs! It reassures me on some large projects I’ve had kicking around for a lot longer :grimacing: I am really hoping to be sharing pics of our bathroom cabinet sink remodel that is ~1 yr in process. The lobby bathroom sink and mirror at Asmbly came from our half bath at home and we still haven’t finished the replacement yet :sweat_smile: We’re getting closely though!

@Branislav that’s such a fun special fob and looks pro (nice background choice as well :wink: )! I’ve been wanting to try doing some UV resin stuff, especially for jewelry. @dingusfarms was wearing some earrings she made with UV resin at TWF that were really inspiring, maybe she can share here :smile:

@AlexL I think I’ve seen you working on various parts of this. Super cool seeing the progression! Looks like a lot of thoughtful designing on the 3DP parts.

@rusty Love seeing all this leatherwork! I remember you cutting parts for the rabbit mask but I don’t think I ever saw it completed, it looks awesome! I love how you stitched the nose together :rabbit: Did you redo the leather on the Birkenstocks or what? They look like brand new store bought Birkenstocks. Funny Birkenstock story. I have Birkenstocks, don’t normally wear them, but decided to wear them today. Went to a yoga class this morning, put my shoes in the cubby, then noticed another person had the same Birkenstocks as me in another cubby. I go into the class, immediately see a friend I haven’t seen in a while and as we’re chatting more after class I see the Birkenstocks I noticed were hers. Now I see a post on here with some Birkenstocks – I think the universe is telling me to wear my Birkenstocks more :rofl: (they are quite comfortable!).


I’ve mostly been working on my lathe skills.


As Valerie requested, here is my big mosaic I finished a few years ago. This is the Edwards Aquifer, and Austin is at the skinny spot along the right hand side. This is made from limestone from my yard. 4’ x 5’


Nice! You’ve been busy

Nightlights for my niece and nephew.
Laser cut 1/8 birch and a 1/4 acrylic layer stacked together with the acrylic layer slotted into an Amazon-bought LED light base (the base had soldering issues, so I do not recommend them)
Couldn’t attach the video but the LED lights can be set to rotate through the spectrum.


I spent the morning fixing and finishing this end grain cutting board for my BIL. I gave it to him last September for his 50th. He requested a juice groove afterwards and that is when the chaos ensued as the groove exposed some of the joinery. I poured a silver epoxy to hide my mistakes and turned it into a feature.

This board took way too long…the star is full depth end grain thru-tennon that I cut on the old CNC before we even had the new lagunas…


This is super rad!

Been testing a lot of stuff on Dorian, got these coasters coming along

1/4” white oak

Then testing box joints with a simple jig and the dado stack, lookin ok, not great. But for what these will be for they’re just fine

Ultimately these will be tiny little shelves for propagations

Lmk if you want some of these pink beauties @Mollie, I still owe you some props