Use this category to ask questions about OpenPath. If you are having trouble getting access to OpenPath, first check to make sure you have met these requirements:
- Have a Neon account with an active membership
- Members using the legacy Freshbooks system can find more info here – Neon required for access beginning 9/1/21
- To verify whether you have an active membership, login to your Neon portal here and select “Purchase/Edit Membership” from the dropdown menu.
- Completed Asmbly membership agreement at
- Must use the same email you used for your Neon account, otherwise the systems won’t link.
- Completed New Member Orientation & Facility Tour and marked attendance.
- If all the above have been verified and you do not receive the OpenPath invitation within 24 hrs, email so we can verify your attendance has been marked.
@Jon is our OpenPath guru and your best go to if you’re having trouble. You can email him directly at or create a post in this category and tag him. However, your first point of contact should be reaching out to our Membership Coordinators @ashleyrlee and @mkmiller6 via