I put in a problem request but mirroring it here. The angle was off and cuts were crooked when cutting 3/8 acrylic last night.
@mollystrehl Do you have any pics of the cuts. @dannym stopped in last night and said everything was cutting as expected.
Thank you for submitting the report.
@JOSEGAYTAN was there and confirmed the angle was off. We tinkered with kerfing but the cuts were still slightly angled. This was at about 9pm.
I can verify the cuts on the acrylic that Mollystrehl made were noticeable off square on 3/8" cast acrylic. She made around ten cuts trying to adjust with the kerf adjustment setting (sometimes it works) and also tried putting the acrylic at an angle to the table with no satisfactory results.
Did you try adjust the Z focus height closer to the material to compensate for the thickness? @mollystrehl
On plywood and wood Danny has said you dont have to compensate for that any more. No idea if is the same for acrylic.
Haven’t heard that about wood. I still adjust the focus height and it seems to work well.
I did not, I just focused it normally. Granted, this is my first time mostly alone on the laser so I haven’t tinkered for a long time with various materials on the laser.
Was the angle consistent all the way around your part, or was it only on one axis?
What did the other half of the cut look like? A cone-shaped kerf appears to be slanted if you only look at one side of the cut.
I now have a better description of the problem, I can look at it again tonight.
Do we have a real reason to red-tag this? I did cut tests the other night with no probs. It sounds like only an issue with really specific cuts
This sounds like a scenario best addressed by an “FYI…” like when Tarkin was running at partial power.
Can we “yellow-tag” a machine?
It seemed to be straight on the other sides, yes.
A “please be aware” yellow tag status does seem useful to us from time to time
Hi Danny,
Thanks for taking a look at this. Was this issue resolved in the last week? I planned to come up to recut my acrylic.
Thank you!