Workday Recap - April 15

We had about 30 people show up through the day. Thanks to everyone who participated. Some others did a bit before Workday, since they couldn’t join the party with us.

Check out the new outfeed table for the table saws. Chase put that together with 2" steel tubing. Still some details to finish, but it’s mostly operational. The old table ended up in the dumpster and scrap cart.

Ethan got the Shear/Brake/ Roll mounted on the stand the he built earlier in the week. This huge machine will soon be operational.

A big bit of work that isn’t yet visible are 3 overhead electrical circuits. Joaquim and an electrician friend spend the day rolling around the shop on a scissor lift. What are they for? If you have seen the pallet of very large boxes in the metal shop, those are 3 Blue Ox industrial air cleaners. Those will get hung overhead this week. Matt has been heading up that part of the project. Soon, we will have some serious equipment running to improve the air quality in the shop.

David has been working on modifying the router table, adding a vacuum box. Hopefully this will reduce the dust buildup in the lift mechanism, and it will certainly keep the area around the router cleaner.

Luke, Carolyn and Mark P (I know I’m missing others…) Got the e-lab emptied, painted, new flooring installed and equipment back in.

Outlets in Textiles were increased.

Jason once again was up in the ceilings pulling cable. The front door by the laser room will be modified soon.

The OpenPath lockers are operational (completed before workday), and the Stewards closet is on Open Path. If you should have access to the Domino or Shaper, and cannot get to it, let us know.

Alex helped to tear down the portable dust carts and clean them out. They have all been cleaned up.

A couple of new dust carts are 75% complete. One will be for the metal shop, Aluminum Only. The cart is well marked. The other will be added to the woodshop for a 5th cart. We’re waiting on the extension hose and nozzles.

Other stuff.
Cleaning - lots of cleaning. Floors, equiment.
The big lasers were cleaned up, pans emptied, etc…

There is a new clock in the shop. Look up at the loft and you will know what time it is.

The lobby TV was lowered to make it more visible. Another TV was added to the shop. Announcements, videos and other content will be displayed on these. If you want to know some of what’s going on, watch the Asmbly TV channel on display.

I know I’m missing names for some of these activities. My apologies. If you want something else recognized that I didn’t mention, reply back and add it in. I’m sure I missed something in the recap. Also, if you took pictures add them to the thread.

It was a great day to work with other makers and Asmbly members. Coffee, tacos, sodas and pizza were enjoyed by many.

The next workday will be in July. If you didn’t get to this one, try and come to the next.

Changes at Asmbly happen because members work together to make them happen.


Thank you so much @cfstaley for putting all of this together, from beginning to end. I know it was a tremendous effort planning before work day, setting up everything on work day, and remembering everything we needed to do during the day! I saw you guiding many, many folks whenever they had questions about where they could help. You always had an answer, or at least you pretended well :stuck_out_tongue:.

Getting everything organized was a herculean task, but you made it look easy. This project was months in the making and required coordinating countless people and tasks. I appreciate all of the time and energy you put into making this a successful event.


Do we have an eta on the router table and class update for domino/track saw?