We always have a great turnout for Workday. Maybe it’s the coffee, tacos and pizza…
This workday, I’m setting some teams up ahead of time. If you can do electrical work, plumbing (faucets, drains), or patch and paint drywall, step to the front of the line. Let me know. If you do bring some skills, you may want to bring some of your specialty tools. (Testers, etc.).
As you get there, I’ll be sending you along to one of the teams work on the major projects. We have lots of patching, painting, small building projects, etc… And of course, cleaning.
If you can only stay an hour or two, come on over.
If you’re not sure of what to do, we got you covered. You can join one of our crack teams and get some OJT, or we have plenty of projects with no experience required.
We’ll be:
Adding power drops to the main workshop
Reorganizing and expanding the metal shop
Repairing plumbing in main shop and lobby bathroom
Adding more air drops
Baseboards in bathrooms
New laser scrap cart
Dust collector extension and automation
Power improvements in laser room for accessories (not the lasers)
Other minor electrical repairs
Cable runs for OpenPath improvements
Textile area improvements
And more stuff…
Come on over and meet your fellow makers. This is your chance to help improve our community makerspace. We are a non-profit volunteer organization. We repair our own systems, do our own construction and modify the space ourselves. The more people we get, the more we can accomplish in a shorter amount of time.
Get your toolbelt ready! If you only have a couple of hours, great!
Workday is what keeps ASMBLY up and running. Our biggest leaps in space improvements happen on WorkDay. This week, we’ll be moving the metal shop around, working on a big expansion. There’s a new Grizzly lathe sitting in the old autobay, just waiting to be uncrated and put to work. New metal working equipment will be added over the coming months. The fiber laser will be moved out to the floor. (It’s not “alive” yet). Electrical upgrades, lighting upgrades, and other general space improvements.
If you really enjoy this amazing workspace that we share, remember, it’s all of us doing the work to build and maintain it. We are a volunteer run organization. We need everyone to help out on improvements and maintenance.
Come on over Saturday morning, coffee and tacos! Pizza for lunch! You’re working until 2? Come on over after that.
If you can’t make it at all, don’t feel like you have to miss out on the fun. We have improvement projects going on all of the time. How fast they get done depends on volunteers. Let us know if you want to help out! Make your mark on ASMBLY!