Wood Shop Dust Collection Issues

Dust collection in wood shop is not operating correctly. It seems like the electronic gate valves for the dust collection system are not working correctly. When trying to use the jointer and resaw bandsaw the dust collection will not kick on, but the planer has the dust collection always on (regardless of the equipment status on/off). Red tag submitted for the jointer.


Added physical red tags to jointer and bandsaw, added physical yellow tag to the dust collector unit.

I couldn’t find any problems with the resaw DC gate. The bandsaw itself was completely clogged shut but some sort of stringy leftovers.

The jointer and planer gates are behaving oddly. I’ve switched both to ‘always on’ for now; that’s the best I know how to do until a woodshop steward can come in to look at it. But the red tags are removed.


Thank you Ethan! This needs to be reviewed with the camera footage.


Here’s a chance for the scofflaw(s) who left such a mess to step up and take responsibility.


Great word selection Tommy…scofflaw! I haven’t seen this word used in a very long time.

Why do I get the feeling that you too absolutely can’t wait for our annual “talk like pirate” day :pirate_flag::pirate_flag::pirate_flag::pirate_flag::pirate_flag::pirate_flag:

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Drew discovered during class that someone had plugged the jointer into the planer plug and vice versa. The jointer is 40 A and was tripping the 30 A breaker for the planer. He switched them back.

And this explains the odd jointer and planer DC gate problems. The other machine was triggering their gates to open. They are both now working correctly on auto. It does leave two other mysteries, who did this (and when and why), and why wasn’t the jointer triggering the planer’s breaker yesterday?


Any feedback on if the planer rollers are pulling the wood through better? Was having issues during wood safety.

Hey Stephen! Cleaned the rollers off and it was working ok with longer boards, still not perfect.

Main issue is that kick it gives when it grabs, with shorter boards it was still jamming up a bit for me.

Sorry for the late response!

I think the mystery of the switched plugs may have been me - or well, not me but because of me. I was working on the planer and the jointer on Friday and the dust collection wasn’t working at all. Neither hose was producing any suction and wood chips were being spit at me. I went looking for a steward and found a gentlemen in the laser shop that offered to help. I didn’t catch his name. To be completely safe, he unplugged both machines before disconnecting the suction hoses to check for clogs. They weren’t clogged, but both hoses were completely full as the suction wasn’t clearing the shavings into the collections bins. After emptying both hoses, he plugged both machines back in. I assume that is when they were plugged incorrectly. I am sorry for the mistake. Neither of us realized we plugged them back in incorrectly. I did submit a problem report regarding the non-functional dust collection system.


Thank you @jebaggie for letting us know! I was trying to figure out why anyone would unplug both machines at the same time—safety is always a great reason.

And there’s no need to apologize, you handled the situation perfectly! You sought help first and foremost, and second, you submitted a problem report!:clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2: That’s exactly what we ask the members to do when they encounter a problem. As a shop steward, I am grateful for not only how you responded to the situation, but for engaging throughout the process. You should be proud and congratulated on job well done!

Thank you Jessica,


Aye Matey. We’ll show the scalawags the cut of our jib!

Thank you @jetbaggie. Please forgive my scofflaw accusation!

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That makes total sense. Mystery solved!

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I am a relative noobie around here. I am glad that I followed the proper procedure. Love this space and just want to keep everything working well. Thank you for the help!