Where to get scrap / off-cut metal on the weekend?

I’m hoping to do some steel welding practice today, but it seems like all the metal suppliers are closed on the weekend. Is my only option $$$ Home Depot?

There’s a small bin of steel remnants under the white work table in the metal shop. We try to keep some on hand for welding practice.

Some of the metal suppliers here used to be open on Saturdays, but don’t appear to be anymore. If you can get to Westbrook or Metals4U on a weekday, ask to see their “drops,” offcuts that they sell by the lb. There’s usually excellent practice material in there.

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Awesome, thank you @jamesfreeman

I have gone to Metals4U 3 different times looking for drops and have been denied. Do you have to know the super-secret password? Do I have to wear the +3 Hard Hat of Haggling? Has anybody verified that Metals4U actually does drops in the past year or two?

As for Westbrook, it’s been very hit or miss whether or not I could find something useful. Even looking for something as prosaic as just a 12"-ish x 18"-ish x 1/4"-ish plate of aluminum scrap that I use to solder electronics on was a miss over about 6 months.

I contrast this to when I walk into Industrial Metal Supply in LA or San Diego and never miss. Ever. The last time I visited SD, I drove back with 4 of those aluminum plates in my trunk because I knew I’d never get them here.

I have been to Metals4u around 6 months ago. They have a drop area. I’ve been there twice, and both times they didn’t ring me up for the drop and just let me take it for free.

Great to know, thanks.

Metal work requires more planning than wood work. That includes the gathering of materials. :wink:

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Does Asero have drops? They’re open 8am-noon on Saturdays.

In Westbrook, not sure if you asked the front desk if they have bigger drops or cut-offs of what you need. If they have a lot of the bigger cut-offs sitting around they will give you a good deal. It may not be as good as the smaller ones but not their regular price either.