Welding Class upcoming?

Hey @JoeN @JennyAlva Wanted to check in to see if anybody would be available to teach MIG or TIG during December. A couple of folks in new orientation group are interested – I believe that will mean filling out a couple of pieces of paperwork through @valerie and having a written syllabus –
Thank you! Happy December!

@doug.squires @isabellescott

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I was planning on teaching a tig class. I can meet up with @JennyAlva about the mig welding class?


I would be interested in a MIG / TIG or stick class for sure! Thanks


Would just need the Class Event form filled out and we can get it scheduled. @JoeN if you can do that I can get it into Neon pretty quickly.

Just sent in a form.

Thank you!!! Putting it in now, but the consumable links didn’t transfer in the form. Can you send them here? This is the line I’m referring to:

I would get 2% thoriated Here or purple tops Here 1/16" or 3/32" diameter tungsten rod.

Here is the hyperlink: https://store.cyberweld.com/

Awesome, class page is up on atxhs.org/atxhs-classes (direct link here)

Ah, just realized there is a Skedda schedule conflict for 12/6. Someone already has the space booked during the class time.

Unpublishing the event for the time being since the space isn’t available

No worries. I forgot to check 1st

@valerie I could move the tig class to the Sat the 12th at 10am.

I can do that!

Done! Page is back live here. Only 3 spots y’all so register quick! @doug.squires

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We are signed up! Thanks for setting this up.



I have to pull out of the 12/10 MIG Class next Saturday as we have a new family conflict.
So there is a space open for whoever is next on the list.


Hey Kye! I’m nearly at the finish line of finals week, which will be next Friday, which is why I have not had any time for much. I am looking to have more freetime thereafter so I can actually get in the space and get things done.
I most likely will not have time this month, but I will be looking forward to next and hopefully we will be past the 4th wave of Covid.

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That will be great, good luck and I hope finals go well!
Be safe, let’s talk in January!

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