USB issues on Swift

I know this has been the topic of conversation before, but I thought I’d share the issues I had this morning. Earlier in the week, I performed a big job with multiple reads with no issues. This morning, the controller would not read any of the USB sticks. I noticed that a USB was left in the controller form a previous user and was in still there when I started up. After trying every USB (including a couple of my own), I decided to shut it all down and restart - this time with nothing in the controller at startup. May be a coincidence…. but after doing that it read the first USB I tried.

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I have one theory on the short life of usb sticks used on that machine. If you leave the usb in there while you run…. In no time the temp of that stick gets up to (guessing) 120? degrees. I think the sticks are just getting cooked. No idea if that’s true - but i copy to the controller and take the stick out right away and i’ve been using the same one for a long time since I started doing that.

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Could be, but I tried two of my own that have never been subjected to that heat… I was also thinking perhaps dust invasion messing with USB contacts? It was interesting however that a simple reboot made it work with one of the USBs that did not work just moments before.

Granted I’m not using this machine constantly, but I leave the same stick plugged in for all my jobs and I’ve never noticed it getting hot nor have I had any issues reading it :man_shrugging:t2:

Ya - don’t know. Just sharing my experience. :person_shrugging: