Tormach Reset button

I was validating the class work instructions for the Tormach, but when I got to the reset button part, I noticed the button was flashing “Blue” instead of “Red” from the last time I took the pictures for the class instructions. I kept pressing the reset button, but nothing was happening so I stopped. Take a look at the pictures. Has anyone else encountered this issue?

Did you press the physical reset button first?

Order should be:
1- bring machine out of e-stop
2- physical reset
3- software reset
4- home all 3 axis

Hey, Jim.

I was trying to validate the procedures I wrote years ago while watching Erik Peterson’s class. I looked at your list and I think I did everything according to this Tormach Operation Manual 4-8-2024.docx

I was being pretty methodical, but I can repeat it and see if I get the same results.

I appreciate everyone’s time taking a look at this.

I got it working with @EricP help. Thanks.