The easiest thing to jump in on would be painting and floor trim in the MPR. We’re most of the way there, but the projector wall still needs a couple coats of its accent color, and we need to install the base molding once that’s dry. All of the painting supplies are in the room, and the valspar gallon of paint with the barcode on the lid is the accent color. The floor trim is on the tables and I left finish nails for a nailer in there too.
We also still need help finishing up the MC desk table top. I’ll be making the legs over the next couple days, but the top needs to be finished. It’s sitting in the workshop. There are a couple gaps in the glue up that need to be filled, the panel needs to be trimmed, and the waterfall leg still needs to be cut. Then it needs to be sanded and finished. I believe @valerie got drum sander rolls to expedite the sanding.
That’s correct re: drum sander rolls! We have 150 and 220 available for whoever can help with this part of the project (after gaps are filled). They are in the 2nd board cube, so @mkmiller6@ashleyrlee or other leaders in the space can help get it for whoever takes this on.
Who wants 'em? We have them here in the MPR ready for someone who knows how to install them. I myself will be in the space tonight alongside Matthew and Valerie
Hi @valerie – this is the most recent mention of the drum sander so thought I’d ask here: do you know if we have replacement belts in the shop? Or maybe who would be the right person to ask these days? I went to use the sander tonight and there was no belt installed, and I haven’t used the wood shop in a while so I’m a bit out of the loop.
Correct. If there’s useable sandpaper on the drum, the in luck. Woodcraft sells the 25/50 rolls. I if you expect to do a lot of sanding, you can order bulk rolls from Amazon. There’s a jig on the cabinets at the miter station that accurately cuts the profile. It has the pre-cut length that you need from the roll (113 inches, I believe). Clay Douglas was kind enough to build that jig.
I have found that cheaper sandpaper is okay, since the drum sander can load up a paper pretty quickly. Or a bad install can quickly ruin a roll.
Premade from Woodcraft is a little more than$10 a roll. Make your own from Amazon, and you can get down to around $6 to $7 each.
@ashleyrlee and @cfstaley – thank you both. I got a 3-pack of 100 grit wraps at Woodcraft earlier today and will leave one installed at the shop later tonight.
I guess I just got lucky previously: I don’t use the drum sander much, but every time I did it had paper installed.