So I do a lot with automotive and PCBs for work and am working on some bigger projects but I want to zero in my skills on something smaller. I saw this on youtube and think it would be a great open-source project. It’s an inline PWM dimmer for automotive LEDs. So you can put this inline with a 12v LED and set it to a desired brightness.
The nice part about this is that it has a common inline ground so that the LED can still be grounded to the chassis. The only other product I’ve seen like this uses a low-side switching mosfet so the LED has to be grounded to the dimmer, not the chassis.
I think this can be a simple low cost PCBA with a PWM circuit and a PROFET from infineon to do the switching. Could probably be made for less than $5-10/unit. The ones in the video sell for $12.5 and only handle 2A. The other one that is a lowside goes for $60 but can handle 25A. And I dont think is manufactured anymore.
Anyone interested in working on this with me? Could be something to fluff your resume with as an open-source project and we can also probably sell some of the assembled boards for profit.