Teaching a intro to illustrator course

Hey yall! just a reminder to sign up for my illustrator class on february 19th!

Vector graphics are a powerful medium that allows you to create infinitely scalable images that many types of machines and programs can use to create objects far beyond your standard printer. This class provides a complete introduction to vector graphics in Adobe Illustrator with an ever so slight skew towards laser cutting. The skills you’ll learn here can be applied to any and all design work you do in Illustrator and will take any beginner/novice user to the next level. You’ll be drinking from the fire hose, but you’ll leave with a comprehensive reference for the material covered as well as some additional resources to help you continue learning.


After completing this course students should be able to:

  • Setup a design environment for optimal production.
  • Understand and use tools in Illustrator.
  • Create custom designs and manipulate existing designs in Illustrator.
  • Optimize Illustrator files for laser cutting on ULS lasers.


  • This class is specifically for Adobe Illustrator. Having a copy of Illustrator installed on your device is highly recommended so that you can practice the techniques demonstrated in class (the trial version works fine for this). If possible, it is helpful to have a two monitor/device setup where you can experiment in Illustrator on one screen and watch demonstrations in the class on another screen as this class is taught over Zoom.
  • Students do not need any prior design experience for this class. Having laser experience is also not required, although there will be some discussion of laser cutting design elements.

I highly recommend the Shaper Origin Illustrator Template for CNC users.

I recently started using that template because I needed the pen tool; I can’t edit splines as comfortably in Fusion or Vcarve. I was surprised at how easy and accurate the Illustrator to Shaper workflow is.

Here’s my latest attempt at scribing wood to brick using Illustrator and Shaper:

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