Small CNC Z-stage problems again

As documented in several long thread last year, I had a variety of problems with the z-stage on the small CNC wherein it would “skip” or somehow lose its mind about the z origin. (I have not confirmed that the same effect occurs on the large CNC – however, the large CNC is hard for me because I need hard clamp-downs.)

I posted a video last year demonstrating that I could reproduce the problem in a simple up-and-down “stress” test. I worked around this by reducing the Z-feed rate to a crawl. This mostly worked until today. Now, even at a crawl, it skipped twice losing about 2mm somewhere during a run and thus ruined a 3 hour cut. I’m afraid I can’t use this machine anymore and I can’t just keep slowing it down more and more and crossing my fingers. I suspect that my use cases are much more Z-stressful than most other people’s use-cases which is likely why others don’t see the effect. But nevertheless, it renders the machine useless to me. So, I’d like to thank everyone for the help and access to the space but I need to find access to a different CNC that isn’t a Laguna. If anyone has leads on one I’d be all ears.

The CNC is the main thing I’ve needed the space for, so I’ll also likely be quitting Asmbly. It was fun to get to know people there and I’m impressed with how the shop gets better every time I’m there!

Zack Simpson

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