Slow Wave Field Trip :3dp:

Hey y’all!

Our next field trip is scheduled for this upcoming Saturday, October 21st @10:30am at Slow Wave Dental. We will get to see how they utilize 3D scanning and printing to develop medical devices to aid with conditions like Sleep Apnea. It is a bit of a drive, but we have the option of attending Bluebonnet Cafe nearby afterwards, which came recommended by the staff at Slow Wave!

Here is the address: 617 US-281, Marble Falls, TX 78654

Asmbly will provide a $50 tab for the cafe afterwards. Please let me know if you have any questions - we look forward to seeing y’all there!

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Link to Bluebonnet Cafe —

This place is almost 100 years old! :scream:

Bluebonnet is the bomb. Chicken gizzards and mile high pie!

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I’m down…Bluebonnet has been on my list for a while and 3d printed teeth…what’s not to like? :tooth:

I could drive up to 3 or also willing to ride if someone else drives.

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Turns out I don’t think I can make it…that pie looks amazing though :pie: I’ll have to go another time.

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@fixinit was asking about carpooling as well, in case others are wanting to connect for that.