Are there any day/weekend pass membership options? I wish I had more time for projects to justify a longer term membership but a few times a year I’ll need access to a miter saw to make a handful of cuts to build some one off thing, etc and even the monthly cost will more than double the project cost.
The shortest membership term we offer is 1 month. Since we don’t have staff onsite for all our hours and we do a good deal of onboarding for members to get them integrated into being a part of our community, it isn’t feasible for us to have any terms shorter than 1 month. Having staff onsite enough hours to support that model would put our rates through the roof.
Once you’ve taken the classes and joined, you can turn your membership on/off as you please. So if you suddenly had a spurt of time, you can join, work on stuff, then turn your membership autorenew off. When you’re ready to work on projects again, you just log in to your portal and rejoin.
If you only need a small project done, you can also ask for a member to help you accomplish it. You might get a taker. They can invite you in as a guest and help you with your project, they’ll just have to be the one to use all the power tools.
Hi @valerie , Is there a way to ‘freeze’ the membership, or is auto-renew the only way to handle this? I leave town a lot, in increments of 2 weeks to 8 months (most oftern 2-3 weeks), and wondering how to best handle this.
Hey @txgreenroot, turning off/on autorenew is the way to freeze/unfreeze your membership for situations like this
Thanks Valerie!