Shaper collet 8mm

Does Asmbly have or are they willing to acquire an 8mm collet for the Shaper Origin?

Context: I bought the Shaper dovetail bit and was going to start experimenting with cutting dovetail boxes on the Shaper. Unfortunately the Shaper bit is an 8mm shank and Shaper collets seem to be proprietary and expensive.

They are expensive. I have a Shaper Origin 1/8" collet you can borrow if that will help.
I needed it to do some smaller features on a project of mine.

Asmbly doesn’t have one currently, but is acquiring one :slight_smile:


They’re expensive but not completely proprietary - Shaper Origin collets are common with the Festool small routers (which explains the “expensive” part).

The MFK700, OF1010, and related tools all take the same collets. Seem to be the same price whether they’re Festool- or Shaper-branded.