September CNC SIG 3D Kitchen Recap & Recording - Aswin WON $100!

Hey everyone!

We had the CNC SIG yesterday at 9am, and we certainly got our learn on! The video from the meeting is linked below after the summary (at the bottom of the post).

This meeting had us discussing our CNC as it relates to 3D work, anything designed for the kitchen, or a combination of the two.

First, @bwatt shared with us his 3D work of he’s working on. This primarily consists of 3D printed images that he put into a geometrically appealing bit of wood. The 3D printed work is also highly geometrical.

Next, @CLeininger and the group discussed different types of CNC machines for production vs. hobbyist work. Charles does woodworking full-time, and it was interesting to hear about the pros and cons of various CNC machines.

@getaswin shared with us his highly creative 3D lid he’s working on. His use of the dowels to maintain symmetry on both the top and bottom pieces of the material were insightful. His 60 degree v-bit was able to get a crisp cut out of the MDF.

As per usual, our very talented CNCer @SteveW brought his game. He built a cutting board AND a bowl. It was a special treat because he also shared with us the process he used to create the bowls.

His use of dowels to ensure the material stays constant as he rotates it to cut the bottom of the bowl was a consistent theme in 3D work. Steve shared with us a cutting board he made–in the shape of a whale! Naturally, the cutting board has epoxy in it. I didn’t snag of a picture of it, but if you put the cutting board up to the light you can see neon epoxy in between the ridges, and the whale is just adorable!

@jamesfreeman shared with us a 3D kitchen hood vent he’s building. What I found the most interesting was how he’s using Mozaik, a software Asmbly has recently acquired, to program the CAD and CAM. This is a powerful piece of software we have available on two computers at Asmbly.

The winner of this month’s meeting was @getaswin! Congrats to Aswin on his well-developed 3D lid he’s building!

The recording done under Zoom is here: CNC SIG September 2023 - 3D Kitchen.mp4 - Google Drive

@TravisGood and others–let us know if you have any feedback on the recording.

The theme for next month’s meeting is Halloween! Let’s make it spooky!

Cya guys on October 1st at 9am in the Multipurpose Room!


The audio was excellent and we could see everything so thank you.
I have to admit that hearing of @Joaquim 's classes triggered a cold sweat.
The Clayton Boyer clocks were amazing … I look forward to seeing @SteveW 's!

That two epoxy bowl by @SteveW was amazing! Can’t wait to take a Mozaik class! @jamesfreeman

@jamesfreeman @Joaquim Your efforts to move the camera closer are appreciated!
Consider posting these the the Asmbly YouTube channel with just a brief topic list.
It’s great content (albeit a bit long), all ready to share so why not?!

Thanks guys!


@SteveW I’ve had files for a Clayton Boyer Number Six sitting in my inbox for 6 months trying to find the time to get started.

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