I’d like to order replacement wear parts for the T glide fence. Before I did that someone mentioned there was talk for a new table saw being ordered? Not sure if I’m just making that up or if that’s in the works. If it is but it’s still a ways out, I’llorder the parts.
Hi Patrick
Thanks. I just built the shopping list today. I want to reconfirm at the shop. We’ll be rebuilding the T glide fence, including the sacrificial walls. There are some plastic screw inserts that you can see from the top. Those are gouged out, so are on the list. The plastic wear plates look pretty good. New rulers for both sides of the blade, new center table cast iron (miter slots are not even front to back), new legs, leveling feet. If you see anything else, just let me know and I’ll add it to the list.
The stewards are getting ready to order parts to revamp the current saw. Catch up with @cfstaley
Charlie what can I help you with?
Thanks for the offer. I’m ordering the parts today. The sacrificial fence panels are backordered to April, but I will be ordering them.
What else do you see that needs replacing, that is not on this list.
Cast iron center table
extension table legs and hardware (already at ASMBLY)
leveling screws on fence (white plastic set screws visible on top of fence)
52 inch ruler
12 inch ruler
Some washers, sleeves and a pawl for internal
Floating dust collector
Once the parts arrive, I’ll schedule a couple of days for installation. We will have to take the sawstop offline for the table top, but we’ll detail the interior in the process.
Anyone look at the belts lately?
List looks pretty good to me. Perhaps the white glide wear parts on the track. Not sure what they’re called but they ride on the metal part of the rail. Right now because they are worn when you lock the rail down it comes out of square. Easy fix with the adjustment screws but still nice to replace. Let me know when you want to take things apart. Ive only put one together once so I’m no expert… But I’m meticulous. Interested in how to replace the top as well
I checked the wear plates, thinking the same thing. They look almost new. Apparently most Sawstop fences shift a tiny bit when locking down. I adjusted the pressure screws a while back, but will go over that again when rebuilding the fence. That decreased the shifting.
Fence parts are on order, side plates backordered until April.
I’m still trying to get a part number from Rockler for the table. It’s not on their system and Sawstop requires we purchase it from a dealer.
FWIW, the fence on my PCS shifts a little bit when locking down, as did the T-square fence on my old saw. I think it’s one of those things you can minimize with adjustment but not completely eliminate. If the fence is loose enough to slide on the track, there’s going to be a little wiggle room.
Perhaps I missed it, but any word on the replacement parts? I’m headed out of town for the weekend but I’d love to help or do the install. I’d also be willing to come in on the evening or early morning to minimize downtime.
The parts are here. Just need to schedule it. Dust collector install, then the party and other events have sucked up time. So first half of June.