Save the Laser rooms beautiful floors

These nice floors and no one taking 5 minutes to clean after themselves. I showed up a little late today to allow the person before me time to either clean up or leave so I would not have to see them leave it a mess. (They just switched to using pearl without signing up.) I had a class last night so I knew the place was going to be a mess unless the last person or the people before me cleaned. The person before me was still here and the place was filthy. The person didn’t take even one second to clean and instead when I asked them to take out the trash they said it was already full before they put their trash in there. I swept and cleaned a lot before I started and will clean again before I leave, but if you are on here please at least sweep. There was all kinds of stuff on the floor and if you can, take out the trash if not I get it. I already said I don’t mind taking out the trash for people that can’t, but at least sweep clean the surfaces and make this place nice to be in. I know this is going to only be read by people that are already cleaning after themselves, but maybe tell your friends at the space to please clean after themselves.


Thank you for your effort and concern. A lot of effort is going into the space right now, and hopefully people will appreciate that and help maintain the work being g done.


If the trash is full, you entry it. If someone else left it, then the failure is on them. So that person should have. Easy enough to figure it out. Thanks.

I am all for publicly shaming people!