
Hey everyone! I need to use a sandblaster. Do I just need to take the Metal Shop Safety class and then I can use it?

Thank you!

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Yes, that is the right next step. Using the blast cabinet isn’t covered in the Metal shop safety class, but it is pretty straightforward. It has recently been replaced and last time I looked at it (a few weeks back) the gloves had large holes and it didn’t look like it was ready to use. @JoeN may have an update on how usable it is now.

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Thank you! I’ll be sure to ask about it at the metal shop safety class then

I installed the old pedal back onto the machine. The gloves have been upgraded. The old way of pulling an air line from the reel in the welding area is a relic of the past. @mgmoore ran a new air line. If you don’t air pressure. The valve on the trunk of the main air line adjacent to the air compressor is turned off. I think some of the dust extraction system might need some sealant tape. The window needs some work and there has had been talk of getting tearaway sacrificial screens to save the window. That is the extent of my knowledge.

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As Joe says, it is functional. Turn on the air, turn on the power (which will turn on the lights and vacuum cleaner), and you are set.

Because it is not covered in the Metal Shop Safety Class anyway, you can technically use it without taking the class. But the class is still strongly advised. And if a knowledgeable steward is available, you should ask for a quick overview. (Once a couple of minor upgrades are made, we will make an instructional video for it.)

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That’s good to know. I’ll definitely take the class and ask for a quick demo from a steward.

Thanks everyone!