Sandblaster Help

Hey fabulous folks!

Is there any chance someone would be willing to show me how to use the sandblaster sometime this week or next week? I have two meter covers I need to clean up so I can paint them.

I can pay you in tacos or chinese food. :blush:

The sandblaster may be partially disassembled right now; I plan to make some fixes next Monday. At or after that time I’d be happy to show you how to use it; it’s not complicated.

Hi Ethan,

That would be amazing, thank you for your help!!! I can come Monday for sure anytime or just let me know when else would be good for you. I’ve been working on some chairs for AWHILE now and I’m finally in the finishing steps and I have to have it all done by April 27th so now I’m feeling the crunch. :sweat_smile:

Hi Ethan! When are you going to be there today? I was also thinking, after the sandblaster is fixed, if you can tell me what the machine name is then I could also look up how to use it via Youtube.

I was just coming online to tell you that I won’t be in until later tonight or more likely tomorrow afternoon.

The machine is very simple to use. I just don’t remember if we reattached the old front window or not. If we did, you just need to be sure the air is on (ball valve on left is straight) and the vacuum is on. Then step on the pedal to start spraying. There have been issues with visibility while spraying that probably still need addressing.

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Awesome, I was thinking to go work at Asmbly tomorrow 1 to 4 hopefully. Maybe I’ll catch you there. If not, I’ll reach out with any questions after I try it out. Thank you so much!!!

To clarify: the switch on the shopvac stays on permanently. There’s a red power button on the lower front of the cabinet that turns on power to the lights and vacuum.

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I’m sorry, but the gig I thought would be two hours in the morning ended up being seven hours. Hopefully if you were there, you could figure it out. I will definitely be in tomorrow morning to work on the sandblaster.