Results are in! 🏆 Maker Competition — Plant Edition 🌿

First off, let’s take a look at the awesome entries that were created for this competition! We had such an amazing variety of entries utilizing every shop area in Asmbly. These projects do an incredible job of showing off the creativity of members and the variety of things that can be done at Asmbly. Thank you all for participating!

From left to right –
@Jordanva2 - lasers & textiles
@elizabeth - lasers & 3D printing
@ashleyrlee - 3DP
@SavHarvey - metal shop
@michleon100 - lasers
@Mollie - woodshop & CNC
@lukeg - 3D printing
@Jalen - electronics & lasers
@annaB - 3D printing
(not pictured @HannaKessler - ceramic pot pending laser component for hanging)

The votes have been tallied and the winner is…


Congrats @Mollie on winning a free class of your choosing!

While we only announced there being a grand prize in this competition, the entries were all so fantastic that we wanted to reward everyone who entered with something…

Congrats to our second place winner @SavHarvey! You’ve won $50 off any class!

And congrats to everyone else - you’ll be receiving $25 off any class!

Coupon codes for prizes will be emailed to each of you so keep an eye out for those later today.

Thank you again!

This competition was a huge success and it was really fun seeing all the variety and creativity. Special shoutout to @annaB who included a QR code to the 3DP file for the wall hanging planter she made :heart:


Stay tuned for another Maker Competition coming soon! :eyes: :robot: :awesome:


Congratulations to @Mollie and @SavHarvey. Congratulations also to all the participants who demonstrated amazing creativity and talent—your work is truly inspiring.


They are all really lovely designs. Well done to all the participants!

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Finally got mine finished!


Yay! Thanks for adding it up and posting the pic @HannaKessler!!

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It’s beautiful @HannaKessler! I’m so glad you posted the picture.

As a new member who was dithering on starting, this was a great first project for me. Thanks!