[Resolved] Small Wood Bandsaws Down

I started the rewiring of the Jet and Rikon bandsaws for their new locations but wasn’t able to finish it. I’ll do ASAP tomorrow but there’s no place to plug them in until then.

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Those bandsaws are powered again in their new locations. The conduit on that far wall needs to be secured better, so be wary of it until I can get back to it.


Question: why was that wall filled with styrofoam? It made using any of the standard drywall toggle-bolts impossible. I wasted a half dozen or more trying.

If you mean the wall between the lobby and the shop, it’s because it’s some kind of modular partition system. There’s no studs in it – just styrofoam sheets with Masonite facing stuck in sheet metal mounting channels. We have shorty expansion anchors that work well with it in the stewards’ cabinet.

If there’s a different wall full of styrofoam, I have no idea :slight_smile:

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Also, the original construction of that wall predates most of us. When we redid that area, we reused the materials from the previous construction.

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It predates all of us – that’s leftover from the prior tenant. I’m told there used to be a whole room made out of that stuff on what’s now the shop floor.

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It seems to like it could have been insulated walls, perhaps for some cooler.

I seem to remember hearing from someone that there used to be a big refrigerated room in our space. Not sure who said that, but would make sense

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From the electrical panel in the machine shop area, it looks like the old tenant used to have a bunch of HPLCs and other lab equipment. A cold room would make sense in that context.

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