[Resolved] Sand Blaster offline

I’ve made some changes to the compressed air system, and I don’t have the right connecting parts to reconnect the sand blaster. (I thought I did, but one hose is a different size than all the others we have.) it should be back up by Tuesday.


Thanks for your hard work and time, Ethan.

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The sand blaster is reconnected to the compressed air system. There is now a valve and a pressure regulator on the front of the unit. For most uses, the pressure regulator should be kept at maximum, which is about 120 psi.

The air shold be shut off with the valve when the sand blaster is not in use. Note that the valve is open when aligned with the air hoses, and it will close if turned 90 degrees either way. That means if you turn the valve from one stop to the other, as might seem natural, you are turning it on then right back off. (I don’t like this odd behavior; I’ll see about getting a normal quarter turn valve instead.)

I have a few other upgrades planned, some of which may take the system offline for a day or so. I’ll post updates in this channel.