The e-stop button on the large woodshop bandsaw has failed, the bandsaw is nonfunctional until we can source and install a replacement.
I will be back on the 4th and replacing the e stop buttons is high in my to-do list.
The buttons aren’t designed well, but also seems all of the “NO” tape is being ignored.
In case it hasn’t happened yet, in tye past I have taken off the control panel, then screwed the stop button back in place. There’s a plastic nut that holds it on the other side. It gets lose when folks crank on the red button
Hey Robert, if you want an extra set of hands or just another person to educate how to troubleshoot and fix whatever is wrong with the Grizzly in the future I’d love to help out with the repair. I’ve been trying to use it to resaw a lot the last couple weeks but keep running in to it being down.
Heck yeah @chowt8.
I’d be happy to show you what I know and what the known issues are. I’ll be available any day starting on the 4th except Sunday. Additionally ,I’ll be running a short maintenance and usabiltiy bandsaw class on the 6th @ 6pm, as well as two more later this month.
If outside of that class, when would you like to meetup?
Awesome! yeah, I’m hoping to use the bansaw once its fixed so I can come in on the 4th I can come in in the early afternoon, or whatever time you plan on being there @Rolo
Unfortunately the e-stop replacement is delayed and won’t be here until late Jan 5th evening. I will be able to use it early on the 6th.
Great! Because I need it to finish my niece’s Christmas present!
Back online! There’s a brand new EMERGENCY Stop button. Only used for emergencies.
Never leave the bandsaw while the blade is running or winding down. Use the footbreak. Improper use of the stop button is what caused the issue.
This bandsaw takes just about 60 seconds for it to wind down without using the foot break.
I noticed the wiki had conflicting information vs what has been said recently regarding this saw (Wiki said to use the red stop button, here we’ve discussed using the foot brake to initiate power-off to saw, not the e-stop).
Went ahead and updated this (as well as the page overall) to reflect the proper workflow, hopefully this helps with people continuing to use the estop button.
Thank you so much for doing that! I did not notice that. Definitely something we want to be consistent with or messaging on.
E-stop bad, foot break good
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