I came across this page and found it to be a helpful refresher on using resistors in your electronics projects. I hope it helps someone in the future.
One thing I would like to point out about resistors (and anything with values in eletcronics) is that tolerance is more important to price and that there are preferred values depending upon that.
Don’t order a 1.27K resistor (0.5% tolerance) if your tolerance is 10%, order a straight 1.2K instead. And, if your tolerance really is 0.5%, don’t try to order a 7.11K resistor, it doesn’t exist or will be really expensive. You need to order a 7.06K or 7.15K.
The values are called the E-series of preferred values. They’re basically exponentially increasing values scattered across the number line with significant figures taken into account. Just like if you used log tabels and slide rules.
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