This is an open request for small scraps of thin plywood. I’m working on samples for the sublimation printer. I’d like to sort out which types of plywood produce good and bad results. So if you are working with thin ply, and there are small pieces leftover, I’d like to request some.
Some specifics:
- I would like to know the specific product, and where it was purchased. Please write this information directly on the pieces.
- ideal size would be 6” x 6”, but I can work with longer strips that are as thin as 3”
- I don’t need any more than 2 pieces of any one sample. If you only have one, I would appreciate that as well
- no thicker than 1/4”
Think of this as the one time I’m asking for something that would normally be too small to put in the scrap bin.
If you’ve got something, please send me a DM so we can sort out specifics