Reminder on Booking Policies

Friendly reminder that all machine/shop time at Asmbly must be booked in Skedda, our online booking system. If you are coming to the space to use a shop area or machine, you must be on the schedule. If you are using machines or shop space without a Skedda reservation, you are violating our policies (picking up a glue-up and putting clamps away does not constitute as using shop space).

The multi-purpose room (formerly known as the lounge) is a space members may use without reservation, however classes using this space take precedence. If you are using this space and an instructor comes in to set it up for their class, please kindly leave the area for them.

Additionally, we’ve made some changes to booking policies specific to small businesses to ensure that shops/machines stay accessible for hobby-users and business-users alike. Please review Asmbly’s booking policies on our wiki to make sure you are familiar with them - Booking Policies - Asmbly Wiki

Policies – including those around bookings – are in place to ensure a good shop experience for all members. They are especially important as we continue to grow as an organization and expand the membership pool. Repeated violations will result in suspension/termination of membership.