Red laser back up

Yes I tried the immediate cycle and am still getting an “out of range” error. If the issue can be fixed by tomorrow that would be great because I am making a part due Wednesday, but if not I might switch to the Blue laser. Thanks!

Cool I’ll look at it , yes if you can fit in blue go for it.

@tomthm @Stephen-L-M

Hi all, I finally got it working – the stroke thickness should’ve been set to 0.001". I apologize for the hassle, but thank you @EricP for your help!

“out of range” on the display is not a hard drive prob. It’s the “no signal” message that always shows up initially but sometimes stays after booting if the display didn’t sync. The system is actually running underneath and responds to button presses, but no video.
Rebooting will fix that prob

Hi @dannym - I’m experiencing uncommanded firing again on the red laser during my test print. Is there a workaround for this?

Right, I got a message earlier from Eric. I need to see for sure what it’s doing here, it’s specific to one of the tubes and not the other. It can always be used with one tube, but setting it to use one tube from the user panel will not actually accomplish this.
I wasn’t able to reproduce it before, so I’ll investigate asap

Ah ok copy that. Wasn’t aware that another person was experiencing the same thing earlier today. Thanks, Danny.

OK I can reproduce this problem- not sure what this prob is, I will get back to this soon

I have that tube disabled for the time being, so it’s cutting with half the normal power for Red (same power as Blue is normally). It will definitely work ok this config.

Because the red dot pointer normally sources from that tube, the red dot may not be visible. Please do not go into the config menu and set “Red Dot Pointer” to “ON”. That means “red dot only, no cutting laser”. It will not cut, and that config setting is persistent, it will still be left in red dot-only if powered down and back up.

Hey I was doing some cutting on the red laser at half speed and it quit cutting the vectors and was firing randomly. I was testing it for my class tonight, but it is not working properly so I do not know what we should do. I have always said that since the classes are every 2 weeks and we never know when the laser will work we should just go ahead and show them how it is supposed to work, but the red laser has been down so much lately that I am not coming here that often and dont rely on it for any of my needs. I included a photo the little dots are not in the original.

I would swap it to focusing on having it be a blue laser class instead.if you want to teach the operation of both that is fine with me

It’s me and @doyoudig in the class tonight and we’re both already trained on blue, kind of specifically needing to learn red. We’d still love to get trained on the things specific about red (like air assist and whatever else), but we can also be flexible on content. I’ll start a DM with the three of us to discuss more.

Gotcha yah if that’s the case you can just do red it’s fine for a class.

That looks like the alarm battery so just replace the 3x 9Vs. That’s the only thing that can cause skipped vectors. I should just wire past that thing.

I can teach the class either way and I have a short list of stuff we have to go over, but other than that the class is pretty much a flow of whatever anyone or everyone wants to learn. It is always nice to have someone working on something otherwise we end up cutting a random ladybug that is still in my key tray at home.

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Just wanted to double check because it’s been a minute since I’ve used the blue machine (and looks like I may need to utilize it to get my projects done), but is the blue laser’s bed size 24" x 12"?

Blue is 18"x32"

Ah copy that. Thank you, Valerie!

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Alright, I reconfigured the tube in Red. Still one tube, this should be more consistent performance, and the red dot will appear as normal. Give it a try

Red worked for me today thank you Danny for whatever magic you did. You saved me a trip across town and I appreciate you and all you do.

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