Engineers in the media are a positive. Hackers are not. I don’t have any market research nor did I ever mean to imply I did. I wasn’t suggesting we use engineer, only that it isn’t negative like hacker.
urban dictionary says hackers are just computer guys who do various hacking. They’re all roughly the same (top 5 at least). So we’ll assume most people share this definition.
Even if we agree that young people might think hackers are cool, that doesn’t equate to them finding them inviting. Not sure why you think people who show up to use the woodshop/tools/cnc machinery are interested in meeting “hackers”. (which don’t particularly exist at atxhs)
At best case it doesn’t fit the mission on any level as to what atxhs has become. There are infinite cute and inviting names. The ones I see… thinkery… 10bit… are all great.
It may be that under 30 has accepted computers enough hackers are now seen as “cool”. Coders became cool when programming all at once seemed like a promising field. So… perhaps. Regardless, if you were to go do a google news search for hacker, you’re pretty much only going to see hackers in a negative light.
These perceptions are what drive people’s initial thoughts and whether to check out what the “hacker” space is. If you want a more varied culture then I’d get rid of the word hacker.