Prusa XL Available on Skedda!

The long-awaited Prusa XL is up and running!

If you have taken the 3DP Filament class, you can book the XL. The workflow is mostly the same as with the existing MK3S+ printer, but we’re hoping to offer refresher sessions in the coming month for users who want more in-depth instruction on how to use it. I’ll also be in the space a lot in the coming weeks, and I’ll make sure to put myself on the stewards schedule so you can plan your time around that if you want.

Exciting things about the XL include:

  • Printing large prints!
  • Printing multiple colors or materials in the same layer!
  • Faster print speeds!

Workflow differences

  • Make sure that you are using the correct printer profile in the slicer. We have an Original Prusal XL - 5T Input Shaper. Files sliced for the MK3S+ printers will need to be re-sliced to work on the XL
  • The slicer will automatically generate a priming tower as part of the slice. You may need to move it to a convenient place on the bed to keep it from intersecting with your print
  • Filaments are loaded through bowden tubes, which begin on the side of the printer. The tubes for heads 1 and 2 are on the left and 3,4, and 5 are on the right. They are labeled, as are the print heads.

Some things to note before using the XL:

  • While the prints themselves are faster, print startup times range from 8 to 15 minutes. This added time is not part of the print time estimate, so be aware of it when you are booking your time.
  • When beginning a print, the printer will spit filament off of the edge of the bed. It’s very alarming the first time you see it, but it is expected behavior.
  • Though Prusa claims that the XL prints a perfect first layer every time, we are finding that it is printing too close to the bed. We’re still working on that, but for now if first layer finish quality matters for your prints, you may want to add a z offset of 0.1mm in your Printer Settings. If you are using PrusaSlicer you will need to enable Advanced settings to see this option.

Can’t wait to see what you all print!


Thank you for the work and effort you put in to make this 3D Printer come alive for us!