Project Sharing on ASMBLY Social Media

Been working on something cool this year? Learned a new skill or returned to a past hobby and don’t mind sharing your experience?

I’m helping with the ASMBLY instagram/facebook pages and would love to feature more of our makers and their project stories. I think it would be really cool to have a regular project-share post that lets prospective members get a taste of all that our community has to offer!

Here’s a google form for submitting photos/captions, or feel free to DM me and we can figure out another way to share. Happy to answer any questions- and don’t forget to take some process shots next time you’re in the shop :slight_smile:


I love this @mlemon! Thanks for putting this together :awesome:

I’m finally working on some projects in the space over the next month so I’ll be sure to submit some stuff once I have some good pics.

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