Polishing compound in the bottom drawer

I made some homemade Yorkshire grit from beeswax, mineral oil and diatomaceous earth. I have more materials than I’ll need for the rest of my life. So I put a bunch in the bottom drawer. Feel free to use it if you need it

I usually sand up to 600 grit then I finish with the polishing compound at 400 rpm. It will bring out defects/tool marks and if you sand after the compound it will eat your sand paper but it gets a really nice polish on finished projects


Thank you Alex, I’m going to snag a few tablespoons of the diatomaceous earth. Quick question: what bottom draw is it in? Or better yet, which cabinet in what area of Asmbly? I just can’t tell from the picture :man_shrugging:t3::man_shrugging:t3::man_shrugging:t3:
Thanks again,

On second examination, it looks like some wood turning blanks sticking out so I’m thinking it’s below the polishing lathe?