Panel Saw Requirements?

Hey yall, finally getting a bit of time to spend at the space.
I have a little over 2 weeks until I am able to attend a woodshop safety class and I was perusing the wiki. The panel saw does not explicitly state that the woodshop safety class is needed to use this…just checking if that’s accurate before I go for it.

When you say “the panel saw does not explicitly state…”, are you referring to the wiki page (Safety Speed H5 Panel Saw - Asmbly Wiki)? That was an oversight. I’ve added the warning to the wiki page.

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I had a feeling, but it never hurts to ask. Thanks!

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Great question to ask. For reference, all power tools in the woodshop require woodshop safety as a prerequisite. The exceptions would be for something like drills or some small things that may be useful in another area.

If anything is taken from a tool wall, always remember to put it back where you got it.