Paid work- fabric wrapped foam pad

I have a prospective client that wants velvet covered foam pads with a wood backer. I’m looking for someone that can either show me how to wrap the fabric and/or that I can subcontract the textiles portion while I handle the wood backer. The client is looking into the foam pad material they want. I anticipate order volume to be in the 100s.


Most commonly work like this is easily done by pulling the fabric taught over the foam and then adhering it with a staple gun. Videos for the technique to recover an upholstered chair cushion will give you the basics. It’s pretty easy.

What I can’t quite tell is how you would then want to adhere the more decorative wood backing.

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Looking at the bottom photo my 2 cents are probably a 1/4 piece of plywood or other material, spray glue foam then covered with fabric as mentioned above by Stepho. Then that assembly gets glued or attached in some way to the bottom board. Capital City Uphostlery probably can pre-cut and bat your foam pieces at a decent price. They have the better densities of foam. You don’t list measurements if theyre on the bigger size you may have a problem with the fabric material as most places dont carry a lot of it. Good luck making $$ :slight_smile:

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