OpenPath credential error 474-A on my iPhone

I normally use a fob, but last night I tried to stop by the shop for a bit without planning it and didn’t have my fob. I tried to use the OpenPath app on my phone, but it turns out I’ve gotten a new iPhone since I last used the app… and now even though I’m signed in on the app and the door lock shows up there, trying to actually open the door displays a credential error with code 474-A.

To their credit, Atlassian provides a helpful troubleshooting link when this happens [here], but I wasn’t able to force any kind of refresh last night. I wonder if some manual intervention is needed?

(Unfortunately, I wiped my old phone and no longer have it, so if there’s some transfer process for authorized devices, I can’t do that.)

I just re-sent your authorization email, which invalidates existing mobile credentials. Follow the setup steps on your new phone (i.e. click the link in the email) and you should be fine. Let me know if it continues being weird on you!

Thanks, I’ll try it tonight.

FWIW, that new email you generated looked identical to the one I got last night when I tried the sign-on-via-email process on my new phone. Guess we’ll see if it just needed another bump?

@Jon Unfortunately, it seems like I’m still in a bad state, but only on the phone. Similar error tonight, and this time I remembered to take a screenshot… :upside_down_face:

The message claims it will try to refresh after closing, but that no worky. Also tried force-killing the app and trying again.

Anyway, my fob still works so this isn’t an urgent issue for me personally. Happy troubleshoot whenever it works for you.


@J-LoM , not sure if you’re still having issues but openpath suggests logging out of the app on your phone and logging back in.