OK to replace some of the pushblocks and pushsitcks?

I noticed that the flat-bottomed offset handle pushblocks have degraded foam surfaces and tend to slip along the workpiece. I also noticed that the narrow, long-reach pushstick is a bit chewed up. I have the same blocks and stick and would be willing to donate them as a replacement.

Is there a procedure to follow? I’d also be willing to bring in some new, shop-like brooms to help with cleanup as well. I don’t want to just assume it’s the right thing to do, so what’s the best way to go forward?



Small items like this are 100% ok to bring in, and very much appreciated.

We can also replace the push blocks. That’s not a big deal. I rebuilt the Match Fit push blocks several months ago, and ASMBLY purchased the parts.

As for brooms, we decided on the standard type brooms when we picked up a bunch, a while back. The large push brooms don’t always get the finer dust, and there are lots of areas they can’t get into (Planer / jointer / sander / router area for example). Then dealing with the dust pans, etc… No one is going to throw the broom away if you bring it in.

I brought in my extra pushsticks and two regular brooms and a narrow-ish pushbroom today. It also looked like others have added pushsticks to the collection too.

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Yes, I unpacked the ones we had ordered to add the the fresh stack. Thanks for contributing to the stash as well.

We should probably revisit broom storage sometime soon as we work on shop revamp on the upcoming work day. Last I saw there were a bunch all in a heap together. Probably best to put some hanger clips on the walls around the space with a label so they have clear designated homes. Maybe something like this? https://www.amazon.com/3-H-Holder-Organizer-Kitchen-Garden/dp/B07W18M5M7 Thoughts @cfstaley?

Ha! @valerie no more than 20 minutes ago, I was shopping for broom storage options for the space. I think the longer continuous bar style might work better, so that it’s always obvious what goes in that space. Also since we have a lot of brooms, good to keep a lot of them together. I think having locations on both sides of the main workshop would work well

I thought this one looked promising https://www.amazon.com/dp/B091B3M8FH/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_BRM4BD21TQ9TG79EKHY4

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Good point! I like the extra hooks on that one. I’m sure that would come in handy.

I use that one in my garage and love it.