OctoPi Setup on RPi Volunteering

Hi @pearlgreymusic,

I got to know from Alex today that you have taken up the project to setup Raspberry Pis with OctoPi for the 3d printers.

I have some experience with that, and wanted to see if there’s anything I can help out on this? I have an OctoPi set up for one my printers at home with camera feed and everything.

Let me know, happy to help!


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Heya, that would be awesome! Currently just awaiting the proposal to be accepted and if so, for the purchase request to go through. I’ve intentionally tried to go with the most standard, most common configuration possible so it’s as easy for anyone with a bit of experience to implement and maintain.

At the moment, only stewards have access to perform maintenance and upgrades on the printers, so I’d look at becoming a steward so you can help out on this!

Hey, that sounds great! I am fairly new here. Could you just point me on how do I apply to become a steward. If I can become a steward by the time you have all your approval, I can help you set it up.