Next Workday - November 4 - 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM

In last months Things you Need to Know, we had Workday scheuled for October 7. Since we just shut the shop down for the photo shoot, we are rescheduling that Workday to November 4. This way we limit the disruptions.

So put it in your calendar. Workdays are where the big stuff happens, and you get to hang out with a great group of makers.

We bring in coffee and breakfast (donuts or tacos, depending on what’s for lunch). Then pizza for lunch, unless James brings BBQ.

1 hour or 8 hours - every minute is appreciated.


Bumping this as a reminder for November 4!

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5 days to go!

Pastries and fruit!

Come on over and help with upgrades, maintenance and cleaning. Asmbly is a community shop, and all of the improvements you have seen over the years are due to member efforts. If you have 1 hour, great! If you have all day, great!

Coffee will be there by 8AM (I’m a hobby roaster, so it’ll be fresh). We officially start at 9AM.
So join your fellow makers for some fun and contribute some elbow grease to the smooth workings of Asmbly.


TOMORROW! :hammer_and_wrench: :taco:

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