Next Laser SIG (Special Interest Group) the Sunday Feb 4th at 11:00am

Just a reminder that the Laser SIG (Special Interest Group) is this Sunday (Feb 4th) at 11:00 am! By popular demand, we now meet once a month after the CNC SIG.
For this meeting, we’ll:

  • Pick out a better name for the group
  • Do a little Show and Tell (be sure to bring project or pictures) of your past, in progress, and in planning projects
  • Discuss Laser cutting tips and tricks! I’ll bring some to get us started!

Looking forward to seeing you and talking about cutting things with laser beams!!!


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Better name? How about “Selachimorpha augmentation enthusiasts”?

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I like the way you think but the youngins’ may not catch the reference once the translate the taxonomy.

Lovers of
Amplification by
Emission of

J/K, but I’m a sucker for a good acronym, so I asked ChatGPT for some help.

  1. LASER: Light Artisans and Scientists Ensemble of Resourcefulness
  2. BLAZE: Beams Lovers’ Alliance for Zealous Experimentation
  3. FLASH: Fusion of Light Advancements in Science and Hobbyists
  4. BEAM: Bright Engineers And Makers
  5. GLOW: Gathering for Laser Optics and Wavelengths
  6. SPARK: Society for Photonics, Artistry, and Research at Kinetically-powered ASMBLY
  7. RADIATE: Revolutionary Assembly of Dedicated Innovators in Austin for Technological Excellence

Hopefully, one of these acronyms resonates with your group’s vision and purpose!

Looking forward to meeting y’all today and picking up some tips! Seems like I learn some new detail about the lasers every time I’m at the space just from overhearing other people’s experiences, so I’m glad to see a SIG for this!


It was nice meeting y’all in person today, everyone was so nice and welcoming!
I was impressed and inspired by everyone’s projects!

I didn’t bring anything for the show and tell because most of what I’ve done is pretty boring, but here’s the project that got me to rejoin recently. It’s just a jig to hold a piezo speaker at a repeatable distance and position from a decibel meter for QC purposes at work.

If I had more time the 3rd revision would have been a lot better, but I had a short deadline.

Oh, and something a little more fun from years back. I etched some cassette tape cases for my music project. If I had it to do over I wouldn’t have etched the case, but it was one of those things where I was looking for new stuff to laser all the time, and it was made of acrylic. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It’s sitting on a wood plaque that I laser etched and painted in iridescent paint that doesn’t show in the blacklight.

Looking forward to the next SIG meeting!


Michael and I were chatting before the meeting about various techniques for laser mandalas, specifically around coloring and attaching the layers together.

I came across this video that I found interesting for the way he does both and thought I would share.

Looking forward to seeing everyone’s creations next month!

Unfortunately I wasn’t able to make it to the last SIG meeting. :upside_down_face:

Did anything interesting come up?