New website has launched! :awesome:

Overhauling our website has been on the todo list since our big rebrand and photo shoot last year, and I’m excited to announce that today our new site launched! :yay:

Huge shoutout to @lindseyt who designed and built this site! She and I have been working closely on this project for the last several months and she really knocked it out of the park. She did an amazing job capturing the creativity of our organization and making an information dense website beautiful and easy to consume and navigate.

Another huge shoutout to @mkmiller6 for his work on the new classes page! Our old classes page left a lot to be desired — not very easy to navigate, loading issues, difficulty finding classes of interest, etc. Matt built the new feature rich page to including better filtering, sort options, and a full on search bar! :heart_eyes: He even included dark mode :night_with_stars:

2024-03-01_15-12-09 (1)

*Some classes don’t have updated photos yet, but that will be coming in the near future.

Content for the website was a group effort and I want to give an additional shoutout to the folks that contributed on this front. Thank you @ewei @GoodHabits @David @mgmoore @JoeN @Snestle @TravisGood @Jordanva2 @Sid @jamesfreeman @Vmikes @stepho!

This new website is a big deal for us and will open up a lot of new opportunities. Very excited for the future and all that we’re building here together at Asmbly! :asmbly_a_dark: :woodwork: :metalwork: :lasers: :textiles: :3dp: :electronics:


The new website looks great! Thank you to all who were involved in project.

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Website looks fantastic! Great job. :sparkles:

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Nice! My face is all over the dang thing, haha!

The new classes page really does look great…one feature request, though - I’d love to be able to filter to just classes that are already on the schedule, as a good chunk of the classes I clicked on as I was scrolling thinking “oh, cool I wanna take that one” weren’t actually on the schedule. I totally get the added opportunity of letting folks request a class, but there’s a use case for “what can I take soon?” that I wasn’t able to easily narrow to.


Haha yeah you are @csader :awesome:

That’s a great suggestion! Thank you!

Looks great! I really like being able to select the class I’m interested in instead of scrolling past the metal shop safety classes and hoping…

When I click through on the Intro to the Vinyl Cutter class on 3/18 (Capacity: 4, Attendees: 0), I see “Event Registration is closed.” Is that intentional?

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The links to create a new user account in Neon, or the entire onboarding flow seem to be in a loop. Can’t find a method to help my wife create an Asmbly account and take the intro course.

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@aneel and @SpawnStorm, thank you both for reporting! I’ll check on these. @SpawnStorm in the meantime, if you email the team can help get your wifey set up manually or if y’all are coming the an orientation they can help in person.

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Great suggestion, thanks Chris!

That is not intentional, thanks for bringing it up.

Looks to be resolved! I’m now registered for the Vinyl class.

Looks fantastic! Well done @lindseyt

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