New 3kg Filament holder

Hey buds

I worked with a couple of people here to make a holder for larger rolls of filament in case anyone had big prints. Its just a simple wooden frame with two slits for printable bearings to fit into. The files for the bearing, and 3d printable stand are below.

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Good effort but it looks like the filament pulled itself off the edge of the spool and tangled. I looked when I heard the noise. The filament pulled the spool into the bed and the Y axis slipped. Did my best to untangle things but figured its a lost cause at this point. So I paused the print.

Awesome thanks

Hey Cliff, appreciate the effort on this, the build plate was colliding with your spool holder so I removed it. Iā€™m going to leave some printed rollers here on Sunwukong, they can be clipped to the top of the frame or on the ground standing on the kickstands. Please feel free to use them.

3D models here if anyone wants to make some themselves, they work very well