Network offline(resolved)

I came into the hackerspace this morning and internet was working fine, but just a few minutes ago the network stopped working, not even DHCP, I have checked the computer in the lounge and it is not able to connect either. Also the badge reader for the co-working space is offline

@buzmeg you wouldn’t happen to be unplugging things now-ish, would you?

There is only one other person here, and they are working in the auto bay

I can come in and take a look but it won’t be until mid-afternoon. If anyone can investigate sooner please let me know what you find.

Elrod fixed it

I’m not sure if this is related, but the “Purchase an ATXHS Membership” link on Step 3 of How to Join ATX Hackerspace is throwing a null pointer exception.

Thanks for letting us know (unrelated, the website server is hosted on AWS). I’ll check it out!

edit: Should be good now. It should redirect to the member portal login page.

Sorry about being late to the chain. But, no, I haven’t touched anything yet.

I tend to follow the ironclad rule of IT: Big changes get done Wednesday afternoons. That way you have both working hours and working days to respond.

I almost never do IT stuff on weekends.

well now we know what’s connected to that UPS :slight_smile: