There hasn’t been a clear policy thus far on what you can and can’t do in the multipurpose room, so the leadership team discussed and the board has voted to formalize the informal policy we’ve been operating with as follows:
The multipurpose room (MPR) is a clean project only area. No liquid (e.g. resin, glue, etc) or dust generating activities are allowed at any time. It is primarily a classroom space, but can also be used for small arts projects or computer work that can be picked up and moved at any time. Members using the MPR may be asked to relocate when the space is needed for classes. Currently, members do not need to book time in Skedda to use the MPR.
Signage and wiki updates with the above info to come!
Side note: The 3D printing shop area is separate from the multipurpose room; more physical barriers will be present in the future once more benches are built. This policy clarification is specific to the MPR and does not affect 3DP shop activities.